The Wealthy Entrepreneur Blog

"Successful entrepreneurs are not satisfied with status quo. They are constantly looking for new opportunities to improve their current situation and increase their impact." 
Robert Gauvreau

Gross Profit vs Gross Profit Margin

So one of the questions that comes up is, what is gross profit and gross profit margin?

Are they the same thing or are they different?

And we've talked about gross profit, gross profit being the...

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What Is Gross Profit?

So one of the questions that comes up often in many of our client meetings is what is my gross profit?

And why is it important?

So gross profit is the difference between our sales and our cost of...

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What Are Fixed Expenses?

One question that comes up in our business quite often is what are our fixed expenses?

Fixed expenses are those costs inside our business that do not change, they fluctuate slightly, but they're...

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What Is A Breakeven Point?

So one question that doesn't come up enough when we're talking with business owners is what is our break even point?

And I'm bringing this FAQ to you because I think this is a question that every...

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What Are Variable Costs?

One question that always comes up is what our variable costs?

And it's kind of a strange item that would continuously come up. But it's so important because variable costs are a key driver of...

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What Is Operating Income?

One question that comes up very frequently in our office is what is operating income?

And before understanding what the answer is to what is operating income, we need to understand the elements...

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What Is Total Business Revenue?

A question that comes up often is what is total business revenue and why is it important that we understand that number in our business?

So just to take a step back inside every business, there's...

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The Two Ways to Grow a High-Performance Business

If you want business growth, you need to increase the number of people who know, like, and trust you and your business. Discover how you can do just that. 

Working with Tony Robbins gave me...

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Why You Should Fire Yourself

If you find yourself in a position where your customers always insist on speaking with you directly instead of your employees, then you might want to consider shifting your structure so you can...

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Why the Future of Your Business Is Critical to Its Value

As a business owner, you’re likely proud of the results you’ve achieved in the past,  but when it comes to the value of your business, your future is critical. That’s why ...

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